Erie County Libertarian Party Supports Resistance of Eminent Domain

Legislators in Allegany County have spent the past several months voicing support for utilizing eminent domain against a farm in Cuba, NY to allow the government to take the land from one business and give it to another. Recently, the IDA and the Allegany County Board of Legislators unanimously voted in favor of the project and have cited the greater public good as their reasoning. Regarding the backlash against the decision and outpouring of support for property rights, IDA Board Chairman Rich Ewell stated: “Our country has been created with the idea that we should all have freedom to be left alone, but [not] in this case.” If approved, not only would the new facility receive the land, but also a quarter of a billion dollars in tax breaks.

Erie County Libertarian Party Chairman Duane Whitmer stated: “We shouldn’t be surprised that once again the Republican and Democratic parties favor granting you your freedom with a big asterisk. It seems like the Republicans in Allegany County are big government progressives in red clothing. They had a gun confiscation issue last year and a land confiscation issue now; it seems like the Republicans have an issue with taking what isn’t theirs. Ironically, they use the justification of “its for the greater good”, eerily similar to what the left progressives use to justify their use of government force. Hopefully in the end, common sense and logic will prevail. Unfortunately, when an IDA gets involved, backroom deals, false promises and public deception soon follow. As someone whose father is a farmer, I look forward to joining this fight and providing any support possible.”

The Erie County Libertarian Party is a recognized affiliate of the Libertarian Party of New York, fighting for smaller government, decentralization, and the individual. Learn more at

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Erie County Libertarian Party

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The Erie County Libertarian Party is the official affiliate of the Libertarian Party of New York.

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